Thursday, January 12, 2006

In a cbyer "fix"

Okay, remember that funk I was talking about a couple days ago? My daughter was on IM on our home computer and clicked on something. Now it has a virus and we may have lost everything. Hubby is going to take it in to see if anything can be done. Meanwhile I'm limited to using his laptop when he's home. I'm trying not to freak out about it....all of my pictures were on that computer!

I took dinner to my friend, Chris, who just had her 6th baby last night. He's so cute and has so much hair! I'll post pics when I can! Also, on Tuesday we had a bunch of the youth over to hang out. That was fun. I drove them home and had 11 people in my 8 passenger suburban...that was fun, too! Gotta love that vehicle! Hope your Thursday is wonderful!


Charity said...

Have a great weekend and I will see you Sun. at church. I was glad to see you Thurs night at the meeting. I miss having the freedom to get together with you. But I know that this is a season. And I look forward tp treating you when I have the $.

Unknown said...

Hey, I just noticed I misspelled cyber, ha!! Well, I'm back online and we got the computer fixed for FREE. God is good!

~Celeste~ said...

Yes it is all good!!