Thursday, August 24, 2006

28 Days

Actually, my ticker in the sidelines is off. Why? Because I am scheduled to be induced 4 weeks from today! That's September 21st. A Thursday. I have 28 days left until I meet my precious baby. I'm excited and trying to get ready mentally. I still need to get ready around the house, but figure I still have time. I don't have one diaper for her! I went to the midwife yesterday and had gained 1 1/2 pounds, but total weight gain this pregnancy is only 13 pounds so far. I was measuring 35 weeks. I'm usually way far ahead at this point (I'm 34 weeks), so I'm hoping for a smaller baby this time! I just have to watch what I eat for the next four weeks! Please pray for peace for me. I've been worried about the future and how things are going. Thanks!

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