Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Need of a Nap

Okay, since I am in desperate need of a nap and just laid one cute, crazy toddler down, I'll make this short. It looks like baby Eden will arrive on September 21st as that's when my midwife will be available. I was hoping for the 20th. I like those even-numbered days. That's okay. I gained less than a pound in the past 2 weeks, yea! I had low blood pressure which would explain why I've been feeling heavy and light-headed. Drink more water! Also, I am measuring 35 weeks and today I am 32. I grew 2 weeks in the past 2 weeks, so we're right on. Other than that, Jamie and Celeste will be arriving tomorrow evening. I can't wait!! I wish I had more energy to get ready for them. I have a bit more cleaning to do and a few errands to run before tomorrow. We leave in 24 hours to go to the airport in Orlando. On that note, my best friend, Val, lives in Orlando. She was supposed to have a scheduled c-section this Friday, but it's been postponed b/c her baby girl's lungs aren't developed yet. Please pray for them to develop so they can deliver her safely. Thanks!

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