Sunday, November 27, 2005

And so another holiday comes to an end...

Well, our four day vacation is almost over. I'm thinking about doing the home school schedule when Celeste informs me that I've got to take her and Jamie to the dentist for a cleaning tomorrow. I sure am glad someone knows what's going on! I forgot. Nothing new for a mommy of 5. I think I will settle in for a little couch time with my hubby. There's been a Bond-a-thon running on Spike network. We kind of like the stuff blowing up movies!

I am going to try to slow the pace of this Christmas season. I don't know if it'll work. I want to focus on Christ more than the commercial aspects of it. Hey, I really haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. And I'm still debating on that tree thing--ya know, the 15 month old? I am currently reading Humility by C.J. Mahaney. You can find it at He is one of the leaders of Sovereign Grace Ministries. I belong to a Sovereign Grace Church. God has given C.J. much wisdom. I would do well to follow his lessons on humility, especially during this holiday season. Have a peaceful night!

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