Monday, November 28, 2005

Rain, Rain go away...faster

Well, we spent most of the day under a layer of clouds. Some were heavy at times and there was thunder and lightning. We need the rain. And I am encouraged that cooler weather is marching in, yea! I remember being so afraid of thunderstorms as a child that I would hide under my brother's bed and sleep there at times. The only one of my children that's timid about storms is Max and he's nowhere near what I was. I think the dog doesn't like storms...especially loud thunder.

The older kids went to the dentist today and passed with flying colors. No cavities! The good news--they're saying Jamie is not going to need braces for spacing. We might want to correct his bite in a couple of years. We'll probably do that, but I've got a couple of years. Just when Celeste starts driving...Oh wait, she gets her permit next July/August. That's only 7-8 months away! Actually, I'll be glad that she can help me with errands and I won't have to pick her up everywhere. I might miss that, too, though.

December is quickly approaching...only 2 more days. I love the Christmas season, but I don't like the craziness of it. Jamie and Celeste will be visiting in St. Louis over Christmas for 2 weeks. I don't like these years...they make me sad. BUT I'm going to try not to react that way this year. I've got 3 cute little boys here and we'll have a jumble of fun. I think we'll do some baking together. They would love that! We might go to Sarasota, too. I just don't know yet.

I'm so excited!! I got my Above Rubies magazine in the mail today--I actually received two! Check out my link...and have a Terrific Tuesday!!

1 comment:

Charity said...

What is Above Rubies?
And, I made my own blog. It was very late last night when I did. And I so I think my blog is or
I'll go check now and tell you later. This is sad.